Episode 129: One Skillet Recipes, English Muffins, Anupy Singla

Author and spice mogul Anupy Singla

Is souping the new juicing? The New York Times seems to think so. Us? Not so much. We think it’s pretty silly, but still fun to talk about! And here’s that other silly story about the “food” one juice bar owner “eats” in a day.

One skillet recipes to the rescue! We talk about our favorites. Here’s that magical one-pot pasta recipe from Martha Stewart that we talked about. Why don’t you share yours with us in the comments here?

We heart English muffins, especially homemade versions, particularly for breakfast sandwiches and as a vehicle for jam.

Marisa talked to Anupy Singla, cookbook author and founder of Indian as Apple Pie.

At the market, we’re buying fennel–a bright spot among seasonal winter ingredients. We cook it, we eat it raw, we sing the praises of its fronds. Marisa is partial to this unusual fennel gratin recipe from Food Network favorite, Ina Garten.

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